Group Therapy

Group therapy provides members a comfortable setting to be able to get together and voice similar concerns. It allows its members to feel a sense of belonging and comfort to know that they are not the only ones who are experiencing the same thoughts and feelings. This is often a huge revelation and relief to the individuals participating in group therapy. Group therapy typically consists of 6-8 individuals in a group setting with a mental health care practitioner. Group members are asked to make a commitment and confidentiality is strictly maintained.

Members are encouraged to discuss their fears, hopes and expectations in a group setting. The establishment of a basic sense of trust and security is emphasized. Once trust has been established, group members can have a successful experience by engaging in self-exploration and involvement with other members in the group. Evidence has determined that individuals are more likely to promote change through sharing experiences with others, and realizing that they are not alone in how they think and feel.

Group therapy is very rewarding. We find that quite often members of the group establish valuable friendships and on occasion life-long bonds. Group therapy is a significantly less expensive option for those who can’t afford individualized treatment.