
Addiction can be used in many contexts to describe an obsession, compulsion, or excessive physical or psychological dependence. There are several types of addiction such as, drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, food, nicotine, shopping, internet and gambling. Do you find yourself continuously engaging in behaviors that are causing to undergo negative effects or consequences? Have you attempted to stop certain patterns and behaviors on several occasions? Were you unsuccessful in attempting to break your behaviors? Is there an uncontrollable urge or desire to continue even though you friends and family have recommended you to stop? If you answered yes to ANY of these, then you could have the problem of addiction on your hands.

Addiction is a psychological and often physiological process where we become dependent on a substance, or behavior. Addiction is not only to a substance, but has been extended, to include mood-altering behaviors or activities. It is a progressive syndrome, which means that it increases in severity over time unless it is treated. If it is untreated these addictions could take over one’s life.

Here at Healing Crossroads we will guide you every step of the way. We will explore your behaviors and patterns, how it was maintained, and most importantly, how it can be removed! Our Healing Crossroads care will provide you with ongoing support, coping skills and resources, which are all key in recovery. Allow us to have YOU in control of your actions and life.


  • Psychological and/or physiological dependence.
  • Continued participation or use despite obvious negative effects.
  • Regret or guilt as a result of actions or behaviors related to addiction.
  • Compulsion or strong need to engage in a particular activity, often without deriving pleasure or gain from it.
  • Desire to continue when friends or family recommend you stop.
  • Financial problems as a result of the behaviors.

Interventions/ Solutions:

  • Raising awareness and identifying the problematic behavior.
  • Exploring triggers or stressors in relation to behaviors and actions.
  • Cognitive Behavioral therapy, exploring the underlying issues that have led to problematic behaviors.
  • Focusing on eliminating the psychological dependence.
  • 12 Step Program or Group Therapy