Gay & Lesbian Issues

Being Gay or Lesbian can be difficult in a society that is mostly heterosexual. Some people do not have the support network or are unable to talk with friends and family about issues regarding their sexual preference. The decision of  “coming out”  is not a one-time event, but a lifelong process of identifying yourself as being gay, lesbian or bisexual to family and friends. Each person’s experience is unique and the process can be challenging and troublesome for personal empowerment and emotional growth.

In some cases, the assistance you find from your gay and lesbian peers may not be enough to help you work through the issues that trouble you. If you’re feeling stuck and are having difficulty in finding or maintaining satisfying relationships, are making unhealthy choices or are struggling with acceptance, you can benefit from professional help!

Our Healing Crossroads care can provide you with coping skills to assist with deal with issues of intimacy, fear of rejection, need for love and acceptance, methods of conflict resolution and ability to express feelings and problems dealing with frustration and anger. We understand that your self identity can play an important role in psychological and relationship issues. Healing Crossroads can provide you with the proper support and professionalism to deal with rejection by parents or friends, childhood trauma, social disapproval and pressures to conceal sexual orientation and workplace harassment or discrimination. CALL US AND START LIVING YOUR LIFE! YOU ARE NOT ALONE.