
Do you find yourself in situations where you have the constant need to help others or solve their problems? Do you find yourself feeling guilty or responsible for others’ feelings?  Is your mood often associated with the mood of your loved one?  Do you find yourself saying Yes to things when you want to say No? Are you often stuck in situations that you dislike in result of your need to please people? Do you try to please others first before yourself? Do you lose interest in your own life when you are in love? Have you been sacrificing your own interests and hobbies to accommodate your partner or others? Are you hurt or angry with people, who didn’t return the same amount of help, love, or appreciation when they themselves were in need.  If you said yes to any of these questions, Co-dependency issues may apply to you.

Co-dependency is an emotional and behavioral condition that affects an individual’s ability to have a healthy and satisfying relationship. It is also known as “relationship addiction” because people with codependency often form or maintain relationships that are one-sided, emotionally destructive and/or abusive.

At Healing Crossroads we can help give you the guidance to handle these situations while helping you build your self-confidence, with tools to empower you. Our techniques and coping skills, shall guide you to a more enjoyable and rewarding life. We can provide you with methods to balance your social and personal life.



  • Difficulty in developing or maintaining healthy and meaningful relationships.
  • Constantly seeking approval and affirmation, yet having compromised your sense of self.
  • Dependency upon others feelings and due to your personal fears.
  • Feeling responsible or guilty almost all of the time.
  • Constantly in need of approval and affirmation from others.
  • Lack of self confidence in making decisions, self doubt when making a choice.
  • Difficulty in trying to stop talking, thinking and worrying about other people and their problems.


  • Exploring early childhood issues and relationships in association with current actions and behaviors.
  • Evaluating your role in current relationships.
  • Raising awareness of Co-dependent behaviors.
  • Group Therapy for recovery from codependency by using a 12-step model.